
only about original web comic "Itsumademo Yarareppanashi Chaude ( IYC )" by Mamba Mio

あらすじ+登場人物 Summary and Characters

【ストーリー Summary】

日本への粘着を生甲斐とする不老不死の妖術師ヤンバンが大韓民国反日サイボーグ国家に改造してやりたい放題! ヤンバンが操る闇組織「黒韓国」と日本の女性4人組(ふみか、みさき、のりか、まき)が守護神アマテラシのサポートを受けて戦う!

Yang-Ban is a sorceress of eternal youth and he lives for harassing Japanese. He has reorganized South Korea into the Anti-Japanese-cyborg's nation and he controlls them just as he expects. A four-membered body of Japanese girls and ladies ( Fumika, Misaki, Norika, Maki ) has been given support by Godness of Amaterashi and they fight the ring "Black Corea" organized by Yang-Ban.    

【登場人物 Characters】

ふみか Fumika:文系大学生 a college student  majoring in humanities

みさき Misaki:体育会系大学生 a college student majoring in sports

のりか Norika:理系帰国子女 a female returnee majored in  science

まき Maki:パートタイマー主婦 a lady taking a part time job

アマテラシ Amaterashi:ニッポンの守護神 Godness protecting Japan from danger

忍者 Ninja:アマテラシの親衛隊 assistants of Amaterashi


other japanese ; uncle who adores South Corea, boy who adores South Corea, madam who adores south Corea, lady who adores South Corea, "Charao" means good-time Charlie, Koala & Cocoa, Satoshi-kun who adores South Corea,  politicians & business executives who looks up to South Corea,  globalism-puppet scholars 

ヤンバン Yang-Ban:闇組織「黒韓国」首領  a leader of the ring "Black Corea"

ムーダン Moo-Dang:呪術師 a shamaness

ハンコック Han-Kook:エリート人造人間 an elite male cyborg

ハンリュウ Han-Ryu:エリート人造人間 an elite female cyborg

サンノム Sang-Nom:一般国民  general nations in South Corea

ダンクン Dan-Koon:コークリーの守護神 God protecting the Ancient Manchu people from danger

ボンちゃん Bong-chan:「北の共和国」の武装工作員 an armed female spy from "Republic of North"

元帥様 The Grate Marshal:「北の共和国」の三代目独裁者 the 3rd dictator in "Republic of North"

カルメギ組 platoon Kalmegi:「北の共和国」の武装工作隊でボンちゃん護衛 a platoon from "Republic of North" for assistants of Bong-chan



Crick below and you can jump to see "Itsumademo Yarareppanashi Chaude (IYC)" Episode 1+2 by Mamba Mio at the link. Pay fee 200JPYen. 



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