
only about original web comic "Itsumademo Yarareppanashi Chaude ( IYC )" by Mamba Mio

『いつまでも、やられっぱなしちゃうで』第1話+第2話 "IYC" 1st and 2nd episode



Crick below and you can jump to see "Itsumademo Yarareppanashi Chaude (IYC)" Episode 1+2 by Mamba Mio at the link. Pay fee 200JPYen.




Episode 1: The govermment of Japan is  in a state of possession by the Globalism power. They  incites the Japanese to go on praise of South Corea enthusiastically. Fumika, college student in Osaka, is targeted by HanRyu, female cyborg of ring "Black Corea". But she escapes with Gotness of Amaterashi who protects Japan from danger. In fact, Amaterashi is a good witch...




Episode 2: Fumika had helped Hanryu, female cyborg of Black Corea. However, Hanryu has attacked on Fumika again with key ward "REMEMBER the grudge through thousand years!" without thanks for Fumika !



Crick below and you can jump to see "Itsumademo Yarareppanashi Chaude (IYC)" Episode 1+2 by Mamba Mio at the link. Pay fee 200JPYen.



See below. They are caracters of the ring "Black Corea". At first, they had been setted as the justice fighters that co-operates with the Japanese fighters. So they have a  lovely and cute figure. They are too Kawaii.haha.

しかしながら、もはや韓国キャラが日本人に味方するなどという設定は無理すぎ! 時代が許しません。この作品では悪役として、日本人に粘着します。おかげで『トムとジェリー』の関係が平和に成立しています。現実社会もこうあって欲しいものです。

However, in real world, South Korea difames and showers abuse on Japanese with fantasies based on delusion. Now, it's impossible to set the Japanese fighters co-operate with the South Korean fighters. The friendship time have gone. In this manga, they are member of ring the "Black Corea", that haunts Japanese persistently.  Thanks to that, this manga have worked out  relationship like a "Tom and Jerry" peacefully. I hope also the real world become peacefull.


末永いご愛顧ご愛読をよろしくお願いします。Thank you for your continuous support.

作者の他作品や日常については下記サイトをご覧ください。About my other contents and caracters, please crick below and see it.
